Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Masterbatin Impotence

Qui giace il contratto nazionale di lavoro

At last have made it to the curb national labor contract! All agree with the only apparent disagreement and words of FIOM, which eventually will accept anything, as it did with the signing of our national labor contract. A contract HORRIBLE. The worst of the story where he sold what little they could still be!

agencies have broken the news at 21:53 ... Title: Green light unanimously by the Secretary of the CGIL, CISL and UIL to the standard document on the reform of the contractual model. A "yes" that comes after years of political differences and that delivery to the forthcoming negotiations with a united Confederation of Trade Unions.

In fact the END of the contractual model that exists today and the death of contract national labor. We
LINEAZERO BLOG months ago we announced it to you. Today's news confirms our thesis and confirms the victory of the line and Confindustria Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and the new president Emma Marcegaglia.

Odien The day is a historic day, but not workers!
It 's a historic day for CGIL, CISL and UIL and for their survival, of course.
In return for funding that will come through bilateral bodies already appointed, the trade unions to guarantee long life, the only selling point of cohesion of all Italian workers: A CONTRACT AND NATIONAL AUTEREVOLE.

The stories you want to increase the income of employees through a "different contractual model "and focusing mainly on" single-level bargaining (which will take care of income) is a story that the confederal unions, you better not sbandierino so proudly, as false as the people who dare to utter it.

If so there would be still in Italy while workers who belong to the same business sector and by virtue of existing contracts' EXISTING second level, different farm, they would earn substantially different amounts!
We know that things are different and salaries are almost identical except for variable bonuses they hold the employee acceptance of any working arrangements in order to obtain solo una misera parte rispetto a quelli promessi!

Il loro gioco si inquadra in un periodo di grossa precarizzarizzazione, dal quale non si tornerà più indietro e che ha come unico obbiettivo per il futuro da parte degli industriali, e di tutti i datori di lavoro in genere, l'abbassamento dei costi. Che tradotto significa meno stipendio.

La decisione presa quest'oggi sarà una profonda spina nel fianco di tutti i lavoratori di qualunque categoria di domani. Perchè manterrà i medesimi salari e stipendi al nord, e creerà sacche salariali differite altrove.
E in un sud fatto di disoccupazione cronica quanto credete siano disposte a pagare le imprese DEL SUD per creare occupazione o per pagare i lavoratori DEL SOUTH? Playing the lowest bidder, in other words!
This will create a shift in the future of migration within the country, from north to south iperpopolato wonderland for Italian firms! The east European future is in our house!
Do not believe us? Do you think we are victims of pessimism? We
LINEAZERO BLOG pass the word to the story and keep our fingers crossed because a future as mica describe what we hope or we would like for the workers! Not at all ...

Pultroppo, however, we are sure you will repeat the failed policy now started 20 years ago. Remember when the south is to create jobs by encouraging companies that moved within the country (From north to south)?
How is it over? They created more jobs in the south of our country? Apart
companies on the brink of bankruptcy, which would have been saved for a year thanks to incentives, and jobs taken away to those workers who served in the company relocating, we have not seen anything else.
Today, because of a horrible new chapter ...

and Italy continue to bleed in a sort of perpetual bleeding ...