Thursday, March 18, 2010

How Do You Make Limberjacks

IL GARGANO…semplicemente splendido
Estate 2008, fa molto caldo.
Quest’anno decidiamo per le vacanze nel Mare Nostrum ; Puglia, Gargano, e Vieste sarà il nostro Buen Retiro per 15 giorni. Io ci sono già stato vent’anni fa, altri pensieri…altra storia. Ora siamo io, Chiara e …..Gabriele già con noi, tra di noi; si perché Chiara è in stato interessante a due mesi dal termine.

Partiamo domenica 1 giugno 2008 alle 6.40 del mattino da casa per un bel viaggettino in auto fino alla destinazione. Dall’ Autostrada del sole usciamo a San Severo e percorriamo le strade locali, lente, tortuose, attraversiamo la foresta Umbra, bella e incontaminata, alcune vacche girano libere e ci squadrano incuriosite, paesi fantasma, sguardi curiosi ci accompagnano lungo il tragitto; d'altronde noi siamo forestieri, gente non del posto. Arriviamo, dopo diverse soste… verso le 15,00 al Gabbiano Beach . (entrata Gabbaino Beach) Il complesso si presenta subito molto bello, pieno di verde, comodo, il mare è a due passi, una bella impressione. Dopo le formalità arrival, we are in the room, delightful, ground floor surrounded by greenery. Tired from the trip, unpack, dinner and bed.

Note on accommodation
The Seagull Beach , which has been strongly recommended to comply fully with all our needs and expectations. E 'highly suitable for families, there is everything at hand, and meets all the requirements since it is composed of various kinds of accommodation: bungalows, hotels, apartments, and for all tastes, the sea is near so such as restaurants and services.
worth visiting in the area ....
Vieste is the nearest town, and perhaps best known. Along the coast road, there suddenly appears after a corner, behind a hill,
like a finger out into the sea and sea! The country's white, long, full of white houses crowded together. Its historic center is a network of alleys, squares and

places full of history .... sometimes cruel as the Chianca Amara (Piatra Amara) Pietra sulla quale il Pirata Dragut, nel 1554 a seguito di una cruenta invasione fece uccidere più di 5000 viestani, tra vecchi, donne e bambini, edicole votive del santo locale San Michele. Ricordo ancora le focacce, le pizze al pomodoro, ne sento ancora l’odore….Degno di nota a parte il centro storico da visitare, il Mercato del sabato, il Museo delle conchiglie e del Mare, il negozio dei fischietti (famosi in tutta la regione), il Duomo (splendido) e naturalmente la spiaggia del Pizzomunno.

Gigante di calcare alto 20 metri . La Leggenda narra che : “ Pizzomunno was a handsome young fisherman who fell in love with the beautiful Cristalda, provoking the envy of the sirens who killed her, drowning. Pain Pizzomunno petrified, still rises from the depths of the sea in front of the city, which took its name from his beloved. (Vieste in the evening, beautiful ....)
Pescici vicinanze.Posto in another charming village on the northern tip of the Gargano National Park and the Community Montana del Gargano. than ever to visit the old town, castle, excellent views overlooking the sea from which, on clear days one can see the Islands Shake. I remember a beautiful store in models representing the trebuchets made completely by hand, of different sizes, very nice.
I Trabucchi seem spiders clinging to the rocks, of very ancient tradition, as shelters were used by fishermen, now many have been restored and redeveloped as restaurants or other also prevalent in Abruzzo and Molise.
After a week of sun and sea, we decided to explore the area above San Giovanni Rotondo to see Padre Pio and . So calmly, let's cross the Umbra Forest where there is a nice cool summer. It 'a protected natural area that extends in the central-eastern Gargano , about 800 meters of altitude , whose name "umbra", is derived from Latin and means dark, shadowy, as then, and as part of today, it seems. We arrive at the country or better Padre Pio St. Pio of Pietrelcina. The complex is set well and is easy to reach, we also managed to park ( cell " of Padre Pio) near the basilica. (The Hospital complex). We have seen the museum, the magnificent Basilica ( Basilica old) (Basilica of the new Renzo Piano) and the Saint's body displayed in a glass case , all without special file and expectations, thankfully. Nearby there is also the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo situated in the village on Monte Sant'Angelo . Today Monte Sant'Angelo is a delightful town perched on a rock from which there is an extraordinary views of the Gulf of Manfredonia . It 's a rural village and tourist center not far from the sea and the Foresta Umbra, the heir of tasks, where the first houses were built around shelter the pilgrims to the grotto, then developed along the slopes of the hill with its characteristic maze of narrow stairs.
The sanctuary of St. Michael the Archangel, with its octagonal tower is at the heart of the town and is one of the oldest places of Christian worship.
From the sanctuary leads to the Basilica and the wonderful cave in which sits the marble statue of the Archangel by Andrea Sansovino.
Not far from the shrine stands the Castle closed to the public since being restored. We share, but not the way of such development, we follow the coast to see the sea.
beautiful way, a bit 'long and tiring, full of twists and turns, sometimes we go along the beach at other times we move inward in a continuous go slow. morning we cross a highway with four lanes (for a second acceleration) paesone nice, and soon after we take the coast road (back lenses). Fantastic views of open sea before us, Bay of Zagare ..... s plendida, the areas of Cape Gargano Pugnochiuso and offer beautiful views of a mare turchese dalle varie tonalità che dal verde smeraldo piano piano vanno verso l’azzurro ed il blu intenso. Un bellissimo arco di calcare nei pressi di Testa del Gargano ci indica che ormai siamo vicini a Vieste, la gita è terminata, bellissima giornata, un po’ stancante ma ricca di emozioni e bei ricordi.
Dunque concludendo, sono stati 15 giorni di relax, (come mostra la foto) di mare e (Gabry dai vieni con mamma e p apà a fare il bagnetto...... e come diceva un arzillo e solitario nonnetto del gruppone mantovano :"ma signora così lo affoga !".) e di sole (anche se verso la fine della vacanza è piovuto), qualche gita l’abbiamo fatta compatibilmente allo stato di salute di Chiara. L’unica cosa che non è stata fatta perché troppo pesante e che volevo farla, è stata l’escursione alle Isole Tremiti (fortemente consigliata) ma ci sarà tempo per farla in futuro, perché qui ci vorrei tornare…pertanto …. arrivederci Puglia !!!!

Ultimo mattino in Puglia, spiaggia con pioggia