Sunday, 10/06/2007
last sunny day we start, Minorca is near. This year for the annual week of relaxation before the hot summer we have chosen Minorca or Menorca in English, the third largest island of the Balearic archipelago Iberian extension.
Our package included: flight, accommodation, half board and self.
We start from Bologna, with a direct flight to Mahon - the capital - And arrived to collect the vehicle rented. Through Cami - Traditional Island very narrow road, bounded by low walls of stone, we arrive in the area where you will find our Binissafuller residences near the sea, we are in the south east of the island 15 km. airport.
Once the landscape is bleak, very dry, only the green toward the coast begins to be seen as the white-washed homes.
visited just the "city" of Sant Lluis not far from us. Few people around, deserted streets and close air from the far west - the locals look at us curiously - a square white cottages and a church in the baroque style also white; but where are they?
We rely on a nearby alleyways, Punta Prima.
Finally a bit 'of civilization, shops, people, restaurants. The beach is great although not very pretty, white sand is soft and the water is crystal clear. In the distance you see the small island of De L'Aire with his beautiful lighthouse.
Let's go back to the slot and we run into the fishing village of Binibeca very quaint cottages attached to each other that includes, inter alia, a small commercial area with restaurants, bars, pubs and shops, just behind our residences.
dinner, quiet evening, the day after we had a meeting with staff del tour operators.
lunedì 11/06/2007 giornata di sole
La vacanza comincia. Dopo le chiacchere con il ragazzo del tour operators che ci illustra l’isola, impariamo che la strada principale da est Mahon ad ovest Ciutadella (antico capoluogo) è lunga 45 km., che ci sono 250 callette e che la polizia locale è molto severa con chi non rispetta i limite e il codice stradale. Armati di queste notizie, partiamo per la nostra prima esplorazione e puntiamo verso Son Bou. Percorriamo la strada “Me1”, la principale dell’isola, usciamo e prendiamo una strada locale e oltrepassata una piccola galleria si mostra davanti a noi un mare cristallino e una grande spiaggia: siamo arrivati !!. La strada in discesa costeggia Souvenir shops and stalls, in addition to the ever-present supermarket scattered everywhere, and a horrible hotel right on the beachfront eco-style monster, if not built meglio.Passiamo was a wonderful day of sunbathing and swimming. In return we have an almost obligatory step. Steps for Cova des Xoroi, a cave not far in Cala en Porter, who has a bar for drinks and the weekend becomes a nightclub. It 's very nice because it has a walkway on the sea and some small balconies overlooking where the view spans 360 degrees, with 6 €, you are entitled to entry and a cool drink (coke, juice, beer) .
day Tuesday, 12/06/2007 di sole
Oggi vogliamo spingerci ancora più lontano, vogliamo vedere la zona opposta dell’isola e le mete possibili sono : Santa Galdana (una calletta); Cala Mitjana; Cala Maccarella e Cala Maccarelleta.
La strada è sempre la Me1, la più comoda e da essa partono tutte le strade (asfaltate) per le varie callette; altrimenti esiste una strada costiera ma si può percorrere in bici o a piedi è assurdo !. Comunque arriviamo a Santa Galdana; sembra Monte Carlo, negozi, traffico, grandi alberghi tra essi uno bruttissimo proprio in spiaggia (come quello a Son Bou), e poi la spiaggia; piena di ombrelloni sembra Rimini; non è il posto per noi che cerchiamo pace e tranquillità, pertanto ce ne andiamo; although I must say that the water was bellissima.Immaginando Cala Mitjana is similar, we focus on Maccarelli and Cala Cala Maccarelleta that the images on the postcards seem untouched by concrete still rampant.
Fortunately for us was like that, they're beautiful, almost deserted. Parked FREE (a word that does not exist in Italy), walking along a path for about 20 minutes, the white beach of Cala mackerel and preceded by a pine forest in which it is located, almost hidden, with a bar service and a small restaurant, the water is beautiful and we do not we pray, we dive here and there is cold and there are small jellyfish. Nearby, along a path that runs alongside a steep hill there is another surprise Cala Maccarelleta. The younger sister, pink beach, clear water (it looks like a swimming pool), some nudists - Council for this alleyways brought with him from drinking, because there is no refreshment kiosk.
Wednesday, 13/06/2007
sunny day today after days at sea we see something and we focus on the picturesque village of Fornells north of the island. Fishing village, everything is completely white, with a characteristic pedestrian street and a beautiful promenade flanked by palm trees. Here we ate a very good and abundant seafood paella (el pescado) and lobster (Langosta), even if it is a bit expensive (€. 40.00). Next door is the beautiful beach of Cala Pregonda which is reached from the road to Fornells with a detour to the left following the restaurant Cala Pregonda "where you park your car (always free) and walked about 20 minutes under a scorching sun leads to the beautiful alleyways. It was very hot and we decided we were comfortable and the beach in Son Parc, always close, opposite the car park and there is a bar-restaurant where they also work the Italians, even here the sea was beautiful, it also can be reached through alleyways a beautiful golf course.
Una sera siamo anche andati a Mahon; ma essendo fuori stagione non c’era nessuno sul lungomare, così siamo finiti a bare qualcosa al ristorante “Toscana” gestito da italiani e da un cameriere bolognese con il quale abbiamo scambiato due chiacchere. Ci siamo ripromessi di tornare a Mahon non appena ne avevamo occasione.
Consiglio: se si vuole vedere un po’ l’isola, noleggiare un’auto – gli uffici sono sparsi ovunque – si gira molto bene; così si evitano le escursioni dei tour operators che sono molto care e a volte sono fregature.
giovedì 14/06/2007 giornata nuvolosa
Non abbiamo aspettato tanto; l’occasione per vedere Mahon there was now, today is a bit 'cloudy, and then we go. The capital looks like a quarter of our city is not very large, with the center made up of narrow streets and all or almost one-way. The center is pedestrian and everything is full of bars and shops. Mahon has about 21,814 inhabitants and is situated at the end of an inlet, has a large promenade filled with restaurants. The pedestrian area is very busy along with the usual shops and is home to many branches bancarie.Lo Baroque style is everywhere, in churches, in palaces in the white stairs leading to the promenade. The city is very pretty. At lunch, the sun begins to show itself to be decided to return to the beach of Son Bou, comfortable, spacious and above all very beautiful.
arrived at the beach the wind is very strong and the weak sun. To be able to eat our packed lunch and be comfortable decide to rent an umbrella and two sunbeds, which blow €. 17.00 for a couple of hours again.
Tip: buy an umbrella when the sun shines strong and burn the label do them back to Italy to find him at the airport. Friday, 15/06/2007
still cloudy overcast day, we decided to visit the ancient capital of Ciutadella antipodes Mahon (so to speak, only 45 km away). Largest city, still on the coast, but con un centro pedonale che parte da una piazzetta (venerdì giorno di mercatino) con un obelisco centrale e termina su un viale circolare che perimetra tutta la città. Qui abbiamo visto i primi e unici semafori dell’isola; sembrava di essere sui viali di Bologna, traffico intenso (per lo standard dell’isola) ma nessuno che suonava i clacson. La via centrale è molto bella, piena di palazzi in stile barocco spagnolo e quasi tutti di colore ocra. Ovunque si vende un paio di ciabattine tipiche dell’isola, come pure i liquori e alcune varietà di dolci a ciambella. Il caffè è molto simile all’espresso di casa nostra e costa come da noi 1 €. La gente per le strade è molto allegra e ci sono molti turisti. Da here we went to Cala en Bosch, alleyways and very close depicted on postcards. But there, disappointment, is similar to Santa Galdana, with great big hotels are very close to the sea and a lot of umbrellas in style Adriatic Coast, we came right away. So we went back to Punta Prima.
Tip: If you decide to reach some beaches, which are not directly connected by roads but only from rural locations, to provide for food, because there are no bars or restaurants (thankfully). Saturday, 16/06/2007
sunny-cloudy day today, even though the sun was coming and going we braved the weather and we went to Cala Torqueta, near Cala mackerel, south of Ciutadella. Where does la strada c’è un parcheggio gratuito e un bar per gli ultimi approvvigionamenti, un sentiero percorribile in 15 minuti conduce alla bellissima spiaggia, dove ci sono anche due bagni chimici. Per certe categorie di utenti; disabili o donne in stato interessante si può percorrere un ulteriore tratto di strada e arrivare ad un parcheggio nei pressi della spiaggia. Attenzione alle meduse, ve n’erano in gran quantità, il mare era di un colore splendido e la sabbia bianchissima, davvero molto bella.
Una cosa molto utile è stata la messa in funzione di pannelli a messaggio variabile, lungo la strada per le calle Maccarella, Torqueta e Son Saura che indicano la disponibilità dei parcheggi pubblici.
Domenica 17/06/2007 ultimo giorno sole splendente, guarda caso
Oggi, è l’ultimo giorno peccato. Siamo rimasti vicini al residences nella Calla De Binibeca. Piccola spiaggettina, attrezzata con un bar-ristorante fino all’ora di pranzo, per poi partire alle 17.
La vacanza finisce qui, ma mi rimarranno sempre in mente le piccole strade di Minorca con i suoi muretti a secco, la terra arida con mandrie di mucche al pascolo e lo splendore del suo bellissimo mare; con sfumature che vanno dal colore azzurro trasparente sulla riva con la sua sabbia bianca e rosa al blu intenso vicino all’orizzonte, davvero splendida.
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