Friday, April 18, 2008

Verpeliculas De Travestis

EXPO 2015 e gli interessi dei "soliti noti"

We must never forget the profound truth that sees us to be advocates for our future.
No one can decide for the masses, except with the consent of the mass.
Do not believe us? Say it is not so?
Se questo è il vostro pensiero fatevi questa semplice domanda: che senso avrebbe controllare i mezzi di informazione (tv, radio, magazine, giornali) filtrando notizia per notizia e decidendo quale deve arrivarci in un contesto di profonda adulterazione del vero, e quale invece essere cestinata? Che bisogno ci sarebbe di far scomparire una grossissima fetta della nostra società e delle loro tematiche, seguendo il binomio "ciò che non appare in video, NON esiste"?
Da noi dipende TUTTO. Da quanto lavoriamo, a cosa approviamo, a quanto accettiamo che sia giusto guadagnare ogni mese. Forse noi non lo sappiamo ancora.
Eppure chi stà sopra di noi LO SA BENE e manipola l'informazione per arivare ai nostri thoughts and creating division and fragmentation.
This is achieved in a context of competition and hatred of political power between the various realities of the country, which means simply live better individually, but are made to appear to each other and for the sole purpose of creating divisions, as bearers of self-interest does not compatible with those of all. Issue obviously false!
's so that the media are created and are there for a north south Italy selfish and Fascist Italy and the north and a south of ignorant layabouts who only wish to be kept to the north and south of a Rome that devours resources of the country and does not distribute evenly, then move the view of the whole country, on non-EU foreigners, and the main security problem and undeclared work. You get a north, center and south of a foreign, against each other. Extend this now to the regions and what you might get if they were against each other ....
This is also a photocopy of what happens in our factory. Line against line. Worker against worker.
And while everyone is busy to hate the other line, the other turns the other workers there are other, introducing the EMS, which increase and saturation cycles that create maimed and disabled workers. And they do it with both hands and without any opposition.
servo unit. Each under its own ideology, your favorite flag, its own political party. Each with their own quirks, their flaws, strengths, their sexual tastes. Everyone beyond its status as single, married or engaged. No difference between those who are faithful or unfaithful, between the lover who has or has not in this false division between "wives and whores."
each with its own individuality, what deep intake of added value, but united in the common interests then there are a fair wage, decent working conditions, protection of rights and freedoms.
why LINEAZERO BLOG starting from the Expo 2015 and the demonstration against, that is a related planned for tomorrow, try to speak to your heart for you vedere un'altra sfaccettatura del medesimo diamante.
E se nascerà qualcosa saremo pronti a contemplarlo.


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