Friday, February 25, 2011

Letter Announcing A New Doctor In The Practice

Dax index options strategy + March (the 3rd step)

Questo grafico che vedete sotto dax is a weekly chart of the index to which I applied to the medium 13-52-104-156-208-260-520 corresponding respectively to periods of one quarter (red), and 1 (blue) - 2 (green) - 3 (purple) - 4 (black) - 5 (pink) - 10 years (Brown) respectively, we have that the quarterly average and those at 1 and 2 years are placed in the correct position for an uptrend, while the average 3 years (which, incidentally, goes to 5794.03 and now I have a PR in 5790 index) is still below the average at 4 and 5 years.

long as this situation will remain for me a retest of the average 3 years is possible at any time and any flare-ups bullish in my opinion should be used from now on (seems finished the grueling uptrend started in September) Go short.

Turning to the strategy options in March, February, closed with a further loss of € 1960 to be added to 813 euro in recent months and bringing the total losses to € 2773, when the downward move was for me minimum possible to do a target area in 6750-6800, when they arrived quickly, will buy probably 1 or 2 call 6900 to about 70 so as to create me an opportunity to gain on the upside should the market rebound. The situation would therefore be as follows and should give a good chance to gain maturity.


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