Friday, December 28, 2007

North Face Breast Cancer Denali Jacket

Merry Christmas and Happy 2008 The shame of inconsistent

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Is There Such Thing As Mobile Poptropica


Our deepest fear is not that inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

E 'is our light, not our darkness, to frighten us.

We wonder
'Who am I to be brilliant,

Actually, who are we not to be?
are God's children.
debase not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened
in denying its value,
so that others around us will not feel insecure.

we were born to make manifest the glory that is' IN U.S.,
in each of us.

Just let shine la nostra luce,
permettiamo agli altri di fare altrettanto.

Appena ci liberiamo dalla nostra paura,
immediatamente la nostra presenza libera gli altri.

Miriam Wilson

Possa questo nuovo anno portarci FORZA, la GRAZIA, la DISCIPLINA e la SOTTIGLIEZZA per udire la voce della conoscenza dell’anima, affinché ciascuno di noi agisca con GENTILEZZA e CORAGGIO.
Possa la nostra presenza sviluppare la capacità di elevare noi stessi e gli altri NELLA LUCE e NELLA RADIANZA DELL’UNO.


BON NOEL ! (Francese)
BOM NATAL ! (Portoghese)
FELIZ NAVIDAD ! (Spagnolo)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Where To Buy Quadriderm Nf 40 G

Sabato 22 gran galà di straordinari!!!

Ci sono blocks of overtime, but who cares!

E 'in place, and in these moments, the negotiations on the renewal of the national contract, and also here. Who cares!

rumors, that the RSU know everything about the whole thing and that was even warned by management that it was planning to produce for Saturday 22. Yet no one does anything !!!!!!!!! No one moves a finger !!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one takes a position !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No release !!!!!!!!!!!!!! All quietly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The impression is widespread within the plant that you do not wish in any way hamper production on Saturday. E 'end of the year for that matter, and the company lost production revenue due to strikes by lorry drivers and the resulting layoffs that we will not advance .

So what? Of course, all the rescue! The hall is now reduced to a RSU Detachment office staff. An unnecessary cost.

Only recently it was staked!
was Dec. 6 and were on strike and blocking roads Solaro workers to the cry of the national contract, and now? 16 days later in overtime to produce and pretending nothing the existence of the blockade of overtime, the contract and everything else ??????? We say this not because we are interested gnanchè of this struggle that the national contract as we have abundantly illustrated in our previous post we believe serves only to maintain a comfortable place to several union officials and a huge trade union structure. But the consistency
guys !!!!!

lineazero We do not have words to express what all of you young men and women in RSU think. Without distinction, even as regards the two new and different meals if they are serious, still must prove to the working class!

Let's just say this:
time ago in a press union, in addition to giving to those not of scabs sciooperavano, the one thing you said is also unusual: the ashamed!

We lineazero along with hundreds of colleagues, saying now the same thing to you: be ashamed


ashamed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ashamed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are the ruin of the class and working with your systems have only caused further divisions between the workers!
Let us know how many union cards will be removed this year ....
are just the tip of the iceberg of a widespread malaise!
And if you delegated all children do not care, that if they take up at least your provigionati officials to pass a tot.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Spell To Turn Into A Wolf

Dedicato a chi c'era.....

Questa è una splendida "poesia" dedicata a chi ha trent'anni o più.....

We also had fun doing that Witch color controls.. " We
that females forced us to play "little queen Queen" and "Bell".
We were doing "dodgeball".
We were playing regularly to "capture the flag."
We do not even miss "letter will say to kiss."
us who we felt rich if we had "Victory Park Avenue and Gardens". We
shoes that had four wheels and stretched when the foot was growing. We
that would put the cards on the spokes with clothespins bicycle. We
that those who left the longest trail in the braking with the bike was the coolest. We
that "if you do take a ride with the new bike you should not change marches.
us who spent hours searching the holes on the inner tubes by putting them in a bowl.
We felt that we as engineers repair those holes with the tip-top.
We lit the Hello pedaling.
us who we played the doorbell to ask if there was the friend at home.
We were doing a competition to see who Big Babol chewing over the same time.
us who we adopted stray cats and dogs that we were never attacked, even if not fatal disease after being caressed put your fingers in your mouth.
that when we sneeze, no one called an ambulance.
thermometers that we break them, and balls of mercury were wandering through the house.
us that after the first game was a rematch , e poi la bella, e poi la bella della bella..
Noi che se passavamo la palla al portiere coi piedi e lui la prendeva con le mani non era fallo.
Noi che giocavamo a "Indovina Chi?" anche se conoscevi tutti i personaggi a memoria.
Noi che giocavamo a Forza 4.
Noi che giocavamo a fiori frutta e città (e la città con la D era sempre Domodossola).
Noi che con le 500 lire di carta ci venivano 10 pacchetti di figurine.
Noi che ci mancavano sempre quattro figurine per finire l'album Panini.
Noi che ci spaccavamo i diti per giocare a Subbuteo.
Noi che avevamo il "nascondiglio segreto" con il "passaggio segreto".
Noi che giocavamo per ore a "Merda" con le carte.
Noi che le cassette se le mangiava il mangianastri, e ci toccava riavvolgere il nastro con la penna.
Noi che in TV guardavamo solo i cartoni animati…
Noi che avevamo i cartoni animati belli!!!
Noi che litigavamo su chi fosse più forte tra Goldrake e Mazinga (Goldrake, ovvio..)
Noi che guardavamo "La Casa Nella Prateria" anche se metteva tristezza.
Noi che abbiamo raccontato 1.500 volte la barzelletta del fantasma formaggino.
Noi che alla messa ridevamo di continuo.
Noi che si andava a messa se no erano legnate.
Noi che si bigiava a messa.
Noi che ci emozionavamo per un bacio su una guancia.
Noi che non avevamo il cellulare per andare a parlare in privato sul terrazzo.
Noi che i messaggini li scrivevamo su dei pezzetti di carta da passare al compagno.
Noi che tiravamo con la bic le palline di carta "succhiate".
Noi che non avevamo nemmeno il telefono fisso in casa.
Noi che si andava in cabina a telefonare.
Noi che c'era la Polaroid e aspettavi che si vedesse la foto.
Noi che non era Natale se alla tv non vedevamo la pubblicità della Coca Cola con l'albero.
Noi che le palline di natale erano di vetro e si rompevano.
Noi che al nostro compleanno invitavamo tutti, ma proprio tutti, i nostri compagni di classe.
Noi che facevamo il gioco della bottiglia tutti seduti per terra.
Noi che alle feste stavamo sempre col manico di scopa in mano.
Noi che se guardavamo tutto il film delle 20:30 eravamo andati to sleep very late.
We watched that horror movie even though you were afraid.
We were playing football with the pine cones. We
that the cones tiravamo there as well. We
we played the bell and then run away.
We did that in the photos of trips and the horns were always smiling. We
that the bathroom could be done only after the 4.
us who went to school with folders to 2 tons. We
that when a school was an hour of gymnastics left home in overalls. We
that we went to school alone, and walked back alone. We
that if a school the teacher gave you a slap, I gave you my mother 2. We
the teacher at school that if you put a note in his diary, was the terror at home. We who
did research in the library, not on Google. We
that the Internet did not exist. We
but we know by heart "Zoff, Gentile, Tardelli Cabrini Oriali Placed Scirea Conti Rossi Graziani Antognoni (Bearzot coach)." We
that "Chernobyl disaster" means that we could not drink milk in the morning. We
who buy eggs in bulk, and the pizza a finger high, with the paper of bread that is soaked in oil.
We did not know what was the moral, but there was always the same .. Swivel snack with you.
that we could stay out in the afternoon bike. We
that if you went into the street was not so dangerous.
but we knew they were about to start because the 4 BIM BUM BAM.
We knew that dinner was ready now because there was Happy Days. We
that November 1 was "All Saints", not Halloween.

Beautiful is not it? jump back in time to those good old days ....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Community Hours Template

Un percorso fatto anche di souvenirs...

Hello, my path traveler tells its story visually. Years ago or, more precisely in 1992 in the first trip to Paris out of Italy, I bought my first souvenirs. It was the classic souvenir of that city, the reproduction of the Eiffel Tower but unknowingly I started a collection, a path. So almost by chance, the game became almost una mania. In ogni nuova città che ho il piacere di visitare, DEVO acquistare un simbolo, una statuetta, un bicchierino; qualcosa che mi rappresenti il posto. Ad oggi ne conto quasi sessanta disposti ordinatamente su tre mensole, una per l'Italia e due per l'estero. Fino all'ultima: IL DODO delle Mauritius : . Per me è un piacere vedere le mie "statuette" tutte insieme mi riempiono di ricordi sia belli che brutti, di vita vissuta, è come portarmi a casa una parte del luogo visitato, mi rende felice. Chissà le prossime cosa rappresenteranno ? vedremo